Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hollywood is becoming "Follywood". Famous actors and actress’s have convinced themselves that they are special and better than the rest of the world, and especially the American people who are their patrons. They seem to think of themselves as some sort of royalty and/or intellectually superior to the rest of America. They think that they alone are America's moral compass and have all the answers to the America’s problems. Hollywood out of some miss- guided sense of importance is under the notion it is their duty to educate the rest of society. When in reality everything that is morally wrong with this country, can be directly observed in most (but not all) of their movies and selfish lifestyles. Shows like Entertainment Tonight, Jay Leno, David Letterman and even the T.V Guide Channel are continually showing the folly and foolishness of actors and actresses.
The truth be told, most of America regardless of age, are sick and tired of hearing about their rehab experiences, silly little petty problems, childish behavior and selfish lifestyles. Most average American’s experience far more hardship and addiction challenges than they do. Most actors we know have great health insurance benefits and do not have to worry about paying back any medical expenses after getting out of the best rehab centers in the world. While the average individuals struggle to even pay their own deductibles.
I find it very interesting that many hard working Americans contribute as much as 10% and even more of their income to churches or community charitable organizations. People who contribute far more percentage wise than wealthy entertainers. Ten percent of $15,000.00 per year is a lot greater act of charity than the movie star who gives $200,000.00 of their $20,000,000.00. Many of the famous actors we know make salaries far more than $20,000,000.00 per movie and several actors make more than one movie per year. Outrageous salaries received for acting in movies that are filmed in just several days. Commonly the crews work long hours while the actors themselves only work for a couple of minutes every so often. Actors who spend the rest of the day in trailers far better furnished than the average workingman’s home. To “add insult to injury”, they complain when some poor hourly worker does not tend to their needs quick enough.
Talk about CEO's "ripping the public off”. Are not most actors CEO's of their own companies. Not to mention after making a movie they have several months off, if not years, before going back to work again.
When a wealthy corporate individual or an actor gives a contribution the rest of us are subjected to watching their self-indulgent "gala red carpet events". Did you ever wonder why movie ticket prices were never been reduced during hard economic times? “I have”. Hollywood receives far more from the American people than they return. “Come on! How big a house do you really need and how many do you really need to own. Pay off the mortgage of a patron who is struggling as a loving gesture. Without being told. Oops! Too late”. A person can only drink so much expensive wine and eat so much expensive food. I thought the French fought a revolution over this very same elitist mentality. Actors forget that the American people actually pay their salaries. Hollywood needs to show a little respect, appreciation, restraint, and humility towards the average American Hollywood.
In conclusion, who ever gave “Jollywood” the idea that were interested in their sexual orientation or political ideas. Hollywood’s purpose is to entertain their audience not to educate or indoctrinate them. The public is tired of their self- serving sexual agendas and moral criticisms of everything that is decent, under the guise of artistic freedom. Even people, who are not religious, are sick of Hollywood’s obvious attacks against Jesus. While being tolerant of other religions emerging in America whose values are contrary to the American way of life. What is “Follywoods” problem with Jesus anyway? As far as I can understand, he just taught that we should love our fellow man. What objection could “Follywood” possibly have against such a forgiving and merciful example? Hollywood is always spouting off about world peace and love. You would think they would be flocking to Jesus by the hundreds. In my opinion, they are all hypocrites. They do not “practice what they preach”.
I got an idea! Every time some one gets mad in a movie scene, instead of picking on Jesus, they should take a famous actor or their beloved President’s name in vain. For instance, when there is a scene in a movie that displays anger, the writer and director should substitute a famous person or actors name instead. Therefore, a line in an action movie might go something like this “oh no! Obama f_____ Barak he’s got a gun”. Or, “Alec f_____ Baldwin, look out he’s got a gun”. Better yet, they should choose someone they love and insert their family members name in place of Jesus name. Did the entertainment business ever consider they were singling out, purposely hurting and offending a good number of people who are actually their patron’s? Patron’s whom loving forgive them for slandering their Savior and at the same time still watch and buy their movies.
In the interest of fairness and equality (that Hollywood claims incidentally to be so passionate about), I think that every entertainment writer and producer should be required to take Buddha or Mohammad’s name in vain an equal number of times as Jesus name.
If it were not for the fact that so many of their patrons are being hurt and offended every time they take Jesus name in vain, the name “Follywood” would almost be laughable.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Reason's I'm Not Voting For Barry...

Reasons I’m Not Voting For Barry Obama

Reason #1

Barry (Barak) has failed to prove that he is a natural born citizen. A requirement set forth by our fore-fathers when they wrote the Constitution. Why has know one looked into this detail? What happens if Obama becomes president and it’s discovered he is not a natural born citizen? Oops our bad!

Reason #2

Obama’s credentials have not been fully released, therefore they have not been completely verified. If you were hiring someone, would you not want to know all of their qualifications? And, past associations? You can tell a lot about a person based on who they associate with.

Reason #3

The media and entertainment industry has failed to provide balanced and unbiased coverage of the presidential campaign. They keep running deceiving and unsubstantiated pole result’s showing Barry in the lead. The news media will succeed yet in destroying our democracy. All the major talk shows are showing extreme bias in their choice of monolog material and guests. (Leno, Letterman, Ellen (Biden),TV Guide (jokes from Madison Michael).

Reason #4

He supports late term abortions. Clearly showing a lack of respect for life, in my opinion.

Reason #5

Barry has never sacrificed his life for his country. Someone once said “actions speak louder than words”. This of course is only my opinion, and is not intended to represent the attitudes , beliefs and/or feelings of others.


The world situation being as it is requires military decisions on a daily basis. This makes being a war veteran almost a requirement for the presidency. In my opinion, this country cannot afford to elect a President who has not been in the military. It’s like having a friend who has only made it to level two in a video game, wanting to compete with those who have made it to level 24. But this is only my opinion.

Reason #7

Has anyone checked into Barry’s campaign finances? You know just as a matter of routine. Perhaps some entertainment mogul has been contributing vast sums of money under an assumed name or company. It is always better to nip these things in the bud. So, a persons campaign is not tarnished. It has happened many times in the past. I believe Barak should request that he be briefed daily about his funds, it is the responsible thing to do, so as to avoid all signs of impropriety.

Reason #8

Interesting, that the ACORN situation is happening at the very same time as this election. My father once said ”the fish stinks from the head down”. Explore your own possibilities regarding this recent occurrence. I of course have my own opinion’s which I shall keep to myself.

Reason #9

Barry has been compared to JFK. When truthfully, JFK had more in common with McCain. Both sacrificed their lives to save someone else. Neither would have supported abortion. J FK of course being an Irish Catholic.

Reason #10

It takes a strong belief to change your name. Especially, from a Christian name to a Muslim name. An act in my opinion, that does not take place without serious consideration of one’s own beliefs. Casius Clay is an example.

Reason #11

Barry’s own classmates from Columbia University stated that he had a strong ability to manipulate people and situations through words, coupled with empathy. Could he be doing the same thing now? Or , is it possible that a Leopard can change his spots?

Reason #12

Is it possible to belong to a church with a racist pastor (I actually saw the report on “CNN news” during the same week as Michele Obama made her comment) and not have known he was a racist? Let’s examine a scenario: A couple, any couple attend a church for an extended period of time. In order, not to have known what remarks were coming from the pulpit they would have to have been asleep during every service, simply turned a deaf ear or agreed to what was being preached. If I did not like what was being preached I would simply leave that church. Rather, than being subjected to such teaching’s. I would not have wanted my children to be exposed to such racism. That is only my opinion. However, people have different idea’s. That is what makes America such a wonderful country: “freedom of speech”.

Reason #14

What is so difficult about releasing medical records anyway? President Bush and Hillbilly Clinton did . V.P. Cheney did as well. It almost makes me feel like something important is being suppressed. Where’s Barry’s birth certificate? Or , is one being fabricated as I write?

These reasons are something to ponder. You know, an alternative to the main stream media. The media seem to think that we need their commentaries in order to come to a intelligent conclusion, when the media it self is vastly lacking in integrity. I firmly believe that when the American people go to vote they will do the right thing despite the media’s bias.